Eden Vigil Institute for Environmental Leadership

Eden Vigil brush stroke graphic

Roots & Realism

In support of WCIU’s vision “for a verdant and flourishing world,” the Eden Vigil Institute promotes research, education, and discussion on the spiritual, religious, economic and other roots of the climate and ecological crisis.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be a center of wisdom for activists in all environmental movements (climate, creation care, environmental justice, environmental missions, etc.), including promoting the principles and practical skills of Adaptive Leadership.


“There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root, and it may be that he who bestows the largest amount of time and money on the needy is doing the most by his mode of life to produce that misery which he strives in vain to relieve.”

– Henry David Thoreau

Climate Bible Studies

Dive into a series of Bible studies on climate action.

Recent Publications

Large waves crashing over a concrete seawall with a lighthouse in the background, under a stormy sky.

A Consultation

“The Old Future is Gone”: Eco-Realism and Reimagined Faith for the New Future

In July 2024 we gathered for a consultation on The Old Future is Gone”: Eco-Realism and Reimagined Faith in the New Future, at Catholic University in Washington, DC. Like many of you, we have labored for many years on behalf of Christian environmental advocacy, but of late, realistic thinking about the future of the ecological crisis—the new future, not the old one—has become profoundly unsettling and confusing for us. Hence, please consider joining us by participating in forging a new way forward.

The old future’s gone
We can’t get to there from here.
The old future’s dead and gone
Never to return.
There’s a new way through the hills ahead.
This one we’ll have to earn
— John Gorka

Plans and Programs:

WCIU has plans to offer courses related to Adaptive Leadership and the Environment in our M.A. in Development Studies. More details to come!

Christian Climate Observers Program (at COP29 in Baku,Azerbaijan)

Webinars, including “Processing the Difficult Emotions of Climate Change”

Consultations, conferences, and white papers on topics of “Roots and Realism”

Adaptive Leadership training and consultation for environmental NGOs

 **If you are interested in the M.A. in Development Studies
view the program details by clicking the link below.**


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You can do this in two ways:

  • Spread the word! Share posts, events, and opportunities launched by the Institute with your networks!

  • Give! Partner with us financially.

Farmers plowing a field with oxen, with wind turbines in the background.