Democratization of Research

The Church and those she seeks to help live healthy lives, will benefit greatly from significantly more research and publications, but in a way that is based on local directives and local benefit. This we term the Democratization of Research. Through the work of the Christian Journal for Global Health we will assist those on the frontlines of global health work in identifying and doing research with integrity and with the well-being of the community in mind. 

Christan Journal for Global Health

A peer-reviewed, scholarly, and multidisciplinary journal on global health policy and practice, promoting evidence-based and thoughtful analysis on effective and innovative approaches to global health from an integrated Christian perspective.

The Journal publishes evidence-based research and Christian reflection addressing the biological, social, environmental, psychological, and spiritual determinants of health in a global context.  The broad scope of the journal facilitates actionable learning and capacity building in development contexts within a scholarly framework.  Topics include:

  • Community and Public Health (Health Promotion/Prevention, Nutrition and Food Security, Environmental Health, Maternal and Child Health, Community Development)

  • Health Care Services (Primary Health Care, Surgical Service, Disaster and Emergency, Rehabilitative services, Mental Health, Palliative Care)

  • Organization (Administration and Finance, Policy and Advocacy, Workforce)

  • Mission and Health (Theology, Outreach, Transformational Development)

  • Conditions of Special Interest (HIV/AIDS, Non-Communicable Disease, Neglected Tropical Diseases)

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