José de Dios, Board Vice Chair
Mr. José de Dios, had a strong calling to service even before he came to Christ in 1987. From the moment he joined a church, he was actively involved in evangelistic and missionary ministries. Later, as a member of Heritage Christian Fellowship in San Clemente, California, he began pursuing his calling to missions. His church commissioned him and sent him out in 1995 to serve in full-time ministry with Wycliffe
Currently José serves in Wycliffe USA as Executive Vice President of People and Culture. In this capacity, he gives leadership to Wycliffe’s Human Resources, Learning & Development and Member Care departments.
José has two passions in ministry. One is sharing Jesus’ Message of hope and healing, especially those who have never had a chance to hear it before in their own language. The second one is to work towards the unity of the Church as envisioned in Jesus’ prayer recorded in John 17. Throughout his work with various organizations he has been able to combine these two passions.
Through conversations with friends involved in the Generosity movement, as well his own experiences in ministry, he also developed a deep conviction that unleashing God’s people’s generosity is one of the keys to how they can bless the world and take the Gospel to all people. Effective kingdom partnerships are only possible when those involved give generously to each other and to the cause, for the Lord’s sake.