Prof. Lois M. Semenye, Ph.D.

Prof. Lois M. Semenye (PhD from Biola University) is the Associate of the Women’s Institute and the Spiritual Formation Director at Amani Ya Juu in Kenya, discipling and mentoring women across Eastern and Central Africa.  She formerly served as Registrar and Lecturer at Daystar University, Managing Director of Christian Learning Materials Centre, Deputy Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs at International Leadership University, Vice Chancellor at Kenya Highlands Evangelical University, and Deputy Principal at Bridgeworld College. She authored Let the Children Come to train children’s pastors, contributed to the Africa Bible Commentary and Africa Study Bible, and written numerous scholarly journal articles. A sought after speaker locally and internationally, she also serves on various Boards, including the International Council for Higher Education and Literacy and Evangelism Fellowship of Kenya. A member of New City Fellowship – Nairobi, she heads the Deacon Ministry at her church and is an active member of the Ladies’ Fellowship. 

Read Prof. Lois M. Semenye’s latest blog post, “Is There a Positive Revolution in the Making in Mthatha, South Africa?”, and explore how faith can seamlessly integrate with all aspects of life.
Read the full article here.


Gille Wakjira Muleta, M.A.