Empowerment and WCIU Journal

Dear WCIU Colleagues and Partners,

It is early in the new year, and it has been far too long since my last blog!

I have much to update you about, including the launch on a small scale of our Global Women's Empowerment course. This will grow into a fuller range of offerings over time. This is essential to how we understand development and to our vision of a world "ripe with wholeness and peace for all peoples". One of my convictions about this focus is that while we call it "women's empowerment", in reality this also leads to men being (truly) empowered...not in the broken and oppressive ways that sometimes occur in "power" structures, but in the sense of all of us, brothers and sisters, being empowered to be who we are intended to be, and empowered to encourage each other towards that end.


Here’s a sneak preview of the Area Studies section of the new journal website (it’s almost ready!)
This section of the WCIU Journal asks, “What can we learn by comparing practices and customs in different societies around the world?”

Currently this Journal Topic contains articles by WCIU constituents on these areas of the world:
West Africa
East Africa
East Asia and its diaspora
Native North America
Pacific Islands
We want to encourage you to be writing and thinking and learning from one another, and this Journal may be an avenue for you!




Help Us Bless Others!


Peace and Goodwill!