Celebrating 44 Years at WCIU
By Dr. Kevin Higgins
February 25, 1977....
Ralph and Roberta Winter founded WCIU on this day, 44 years ago.
February 25, 1977....
Ralph and Roberta Winter founded WCIU on this day, 44 years ago.
The U.S. Center for World Mission had been founded three months prior and both Winters were aware of the need in the frontier mission movement for an entrepreneurial University, willing to develop specialized training programs. I will give just two examples of such programs here, which serve in a way as bookends, as they emerged near the beginning and closer to our more recent past:
A Christian TESOL program:
This was one of the first programs started at WCIU, combining a missional focus, applied linguistics, and sound educational approaches.
A Translation Studies emphasis:
A unique blend of linguistics and cognitive theories, with a radical emphasis on the "ownership" of translation work residing with the communities for and with whom translation takes place.
With our current offerings in the areas of Urban Leadership, Development Studies, Women's Empowerment, China Studies, and more in the process of planning, WCIU is poised for a strong future.
Happy birthday, WCIU...."...and many more...."