Commencement 2024
The Board of Directors, Administration, Faculty and Staff of William Carey International University are happy to congratulate our recent Graduates! We hope you enjoy celebrating with us as you watch WCIU's Commencement 2024!
PhD in Global Development Launched
William Carey International University is thrilled to announce the launch of our Ph.D. in Global Development Program! For more information on the Ph.D. in Global Development and the application process, visit the program page.
WCIU Honors Long Time Board Member Dr. Greg Parsons
Last week, at their annual in-person meetings, WCIU's Board of Directors honored Dr. Greg Parsons for over 30 years of service to the University.
Remembering Our Founder
Today marks 15 years since the passing of Dr. Ralph D. Winter, a visionary dedicated to the flourishing of communities worldwide. In this tribute, Dr. Greg Parsons, long-time Frontier Ventures leader and WCIU Board member, reflects on Dr. Winter's enduring legacy and his profound impact on mobilizing others to join in his mission. Read on to celebrate and remember a remarkable life.
征文启事 中国跨文化语境中的女性变革推动者 最近更新时间: 2024/2/15
Call For Abstracts: Chinese Cross-Cultural & Transformational Development Led by Women Excellence in Research Prize…
William Carey International University Selects New President
The Board of Directors is pleased to announce Paul P. Cornelius, Ph.D. has been selected to serve as the 10th President of William Carey International University (WCIU). This marks the end of a nine-month discernment process that included a competitive pool of candidates from all over the world. Dr. Cornelius is expected to begin his tenure in January 2023.
Press Release: Eden Vigil Institute for Adaptive Leadership and the Environment
Today, William Carey International University is officially launching our newest Institute, The Eden Vigil Insitute for Adaptive Leadership and the Environment under the direction of Lowell Bliss. We are continually humbled by the caliber of people who have made WCIU their home and nothing could be truer about Lowell Bliss and the work he has done with Eden Vigil. We invite you to read further and get to know the vision behind the Eden Vigil Institute for Adaptive Leadership and the Environment, Its history, and where we see things heading. READ MORE…
WCIU signs MOU with William Soeryadjaya Academy
William Carey International University (WCIU) is honored to partner with WSA. We know that education is important in creating transformational solutions and flourishing. We are confident this program will make a difference in your life and work.
Remembering Ron Sider
Dr. Ron Sider; Christian leader, author, scholar, and activist best known for writing Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger, died on July 27, 2022. At William Carey International University, we mourn Dr. Sider’s passing and are grateful for his tireless advocacy for justice, heart for the poor, and legacy of scholar-activism.
Presidential Search Update
The Presidental Search Committee continues our search for the next President of WCIU. Read more details in this summer update.
Call For Abstracts: Chinese Cross-Cultural & Transformational Development Led by Women Excellence in Research Prize
Call For Abstracts: Chinese Cross-Cultural & Transformational Development Led by Women Excellence in Research Prize…
WCIU Welcomes Lowell Bliss and The Eden Vigil Institute for Adaptive Leadership and the Environment!
Dr. Peter McLallen interviews our new Institute Director, Lowell Bliss as we prepare to launch WCIU Welcomes Lowell Bliss and The Eden Vigil Institute for Adaptive Leadership and the Environment! Welcome to the WCIU family Lowell! You can find out more information about this exciting Institute at wciu.edu/eden-vigil-institute
Presidential Search Update March 2022
The search for the next President of William Carey International University is currently underway. Inquiries for additional information, including the candidate profile, as well as submitting applications, should be directed to Dr. Za’ndra Bishop (zbishop@faithsearchpartners.com),
WCIU Celebrates 45 Years
Dr. Winter envisioned a university in the best traditions of scholarship and influence that would serve the Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) community with flexible graduate programs designed to meet the needs of workers in the field…
45 Years Later: A Tribute to Both Ralph and Roberta Winter
When I think about the founding of WCIU, 45 years ago today, I think about both Ralph and Roberta Winter…
The Board of Directors of William Carey International University announces the official launch of the Presidential search.
Call For Abstracts: Women as Agents of Change Excellence in Research Prize
The Women's Institute at WCIU is offering a call for abstracts with the aim of awarding an Excellence in Research Prize for papers that demonstrate highest research standards on the following topics pertaining to Women as Agents of Change.
Holiday Greetings from our Acting President!
The holidays have a way of drawing us together, of fostering a sense of community and togetherness. A togetherness that many of us deeply long for as the effects of the pandemic linger… READ MORE