Balaam’s Donkey Confronts BP Oil (Numbers 22)
“In an age where fossil fuel production is so obviously a curse to God’s creation, even my children’s generation is a witness to BP walking in the way, the error, and the teaching of Balaam.”
Goliath Puts Tariffs, but not on Oil (I Samuel 17)
“Neither the U.S. nor Canada are either the David or Goliath of I Samuel 17. David and Goliath are the David and Goliath. And the flawed sinfulness that we see in David’s relationship to Bathsheba, Uriah, and his children is likely present in this story too, if we lay down the hero/villain hermeneutic and poke around some.”
Gore to the Thessalonians: “Pray without Ceasing” (1 Thess 5)
Lowell reflects on revisiting An Inconvenient Truth, re-evaluating its insights, and recharging activism for 2025. He explores the unchanged realities of climate action, a renewed call for radical efforts, and the power of prayer to inspire strength and persistence. Al Gore’s message of 'tireless work' resonates deeply, challenging us to move forward prophetically and tirelessly in the fight against climate change.