Compassion as the Response to Human Suffering
In this video, President Dr. Paul Cornelius shares about his reflections on the compassion of Jesus displayed in the gospels…
President Cornelius Offers Encouragement Amidst Division
President Cornelius recently attended the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington D.C. In this short video he shares about how the life and words of Rwandan President Paul Kagame greatly impacted him. He leaves us with an encouragement regarding the power of forgiveness and how it contributes to the building and flourishing of our communities.
From the President’s Desk
WCIU, since its inception, has always sought to provide training to women and men on the ground and, as it were, in the trenches. Dr. Ralph D. Winter’s vision was to make training for engagement relevant, dynamic, and accessible. This emphasis continues to drive the vision and mission of the institution….
Getting to Know the New President
Listen in as our Executive Vice President, Peter McLallen, Ph.D. interviews WCIU’s new President, Paul Cornelius, Ph.D. We hope you enjoy getting to know Paul as much as we do!
William Carey International University Selects New President
The Board of Directors is pleased to announce Paul P. Cornelius, Ph.D. has been selected to serve as the 10th President of William Carey International University (WCIU). This marks the end of a nine-month discernment process that included a competitive pool of candidates from all over the world. Dr. Cornelius is expected to begin his tenure in January 2023.
Presidential Search Update
The Presidental Search Committee continues our search for the next President of WCIU. Read more details in this summer update.
Presidential Search Update March 2022
The search for the next President of William Carey International University is currently underway. Inquiries for additional information, including the candidate profile, as well as submitting applications, should be directed to Dr. Za’ndra Bishop (zbishop@faithsearchpartners.com),
WCIU Celebrates 45 Years
Dr. Winter envisioned a university in the best traditions of scholarship and influence that would serve the Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) community with flexible graduate programs designed to meet the needs of workers in the field…
The Board of Directors of William Carey International University announces the official launch of the Presidential search.
Dr. Kevin Higgins To End His Tenure as President of WCIU
It is with great hope for and expectation that the Lord is “doing a new thing” that the Board of WCIU announces the resignation of Dr. Kevin Higgins as President of WCIU; effective August 31, 2021.