Diana Kimani, Ph.D.
Ph.D. in Economics, The University of Nairobi, 2014. Associate Professor of Development Studies and Director of WCIU’s Master’s in Development Studies Program.
Thu Ha Chow
Thu Ha Chow is a portfolio manager and senior credit strategist for the emerging markets debt team at Loomis Sayles Investments Asia.
Peter McLallen
Peter McLallen is the Provost of William Carey International University (WCIU).
Esther Liu
Esther Liu serves as the Vice-Dean of Academic Affairs for Yu Cai Seminary in Beijing, China.
Zablon Bundi Mutongu
Zablon Bundi Mutongu is the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Finance and Administration at St. Paul’s University, Limuru, Kenya.
Philomena Njeri Mwaura
Philomena Njeri Mwaura, Ph.D., is Associate Professor in the Philosophy and Religious Studies Department and a former Director of the Centre for Gender Equity and Empowerment at Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya.
Prof. Lois M. Semenye, Ph.D.
Prof. Lois M. Semenye (PhD from Biola University) is the Associate of the Women’s Institute and the Spiritual Formation Director at Amani Ya Juu in Kenya, discipling and mentoring women across Eastern and Central Africa.