Welcoming Dr. Peter McLallen as our Interim Vice President of Academic Affairs!
Paul Pennington has served WCIU as our VP of Academic Affairs over the past two years and has done a phenomenal job! Recently, Paul and his wife began to sense a call out of academia and into a season of hands-on ministry. All of us, at WCIU, are full of gratitude for the wisdom and expertise Paul brought to the table and we are looking forward to blessing him as he steps away.
The news of Paul’s transition put our leadership team on a quest for a new VP of Academic Affairs. We believe we have found a great candidate, but they are unable to take the role until the summer of 2020. In the meantime, we are happy to announce that as of February 1st, 2020 Peter McLallen will take the baton from Paul Pennington and become our acting VP of Academic Affairs.
Peter McLallen is a positive, high energy leader of graduate, professional and online programs with experience growing and strengthening programs at all levels. He is known for creative and adaptive problem solving that addresses systemic issues, builds community, and represents organizational needs. With a Doctorate in International Psychology and an MBA in Management, we believe Peter will bring a dynamic mix of global awareness and organizational leadership to our WCIU family. We are very excited to welcome you, Peter!